Commercial painting sometimes demands a little extra from a painting contractor and we know this is true, that is why we keep a flexible schedule for our business painting customers. A schedule tailored to the customer’s needs.
P J Brown painting will be on the job days, nights and weekends, if need be, because we are that kind of painting company. Most people know us for residential painting but we also do church painting, apartment painting, daycare painting, retail store painting, office painting, new construction painting and all other commercial painting projects desiring the services of a local painting company.
We can meet your demanding schedule and handle special projects that require a commercial painter with a high level of craftmanship. If you need overnight painting, weekend painting or business painting our team of dedicated professional painters will not only meet but exceed your expectations.
Have a daycare center, hair salon, restaurant, retail store, health care center that needs painting or wall repairs don’t hesitate, call us today for your free estimate.
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